Meet The Team
Eric Guerrero
Eric has been shooting for over 10 years. He is comfortable with drone, gimbal stabilizers, microphones, and editing. His eye for catching the action is amazing.
Marisa Guerrero
Marisa has been assisting for years and her bubbly personality lights up any room. Below is a couple videos of Marisa during her most recent weddings she was apart of.
Blake Harris
Blake is comfortable with drone, stabilizers, and editing as well. He has a unique eye for capturing events and his work always stands out. Below is an example of a wedding video Blake was a part of.
Dewey Cox
Dewey has his own studio and we were lucky enough to work with him on a couple events shown below. He is comfortable with drone, stabilizers, and editing. Below are a couple weddings we've done with Dewey.
Gracelyn Adams-Gollin
Here is a video example of a wedding Gracelyn was a part of. This one was just a ceremony and during the height of covid, so it was a challenge.
Gracelyn is comfortable using a gimbal stabilizer so her video clips blend seamlessly with any other shooter.
Oswaldo is already an established videographer at such a young age. He is well know for his music videos, but has shot many weddings, Quinceañeras, and promotional videos.
We are shooting a wedding together this weekend so his video portfolio will be updated as soon as we get those edits done and posted.